In developing the Health industry and answering various existing problems, a breakthrough and entity is actually needed. So it can push the vision for Indonesian Health in the future. The health industry needs a person who can provide motivation with a strong mission for a better Indonesian health world. However, it is not enough to have a good solution alone. A person who is capable of leading the change itself is also needed on every line.
For this reason, BitHealth wants to show its integrity in providing breakthroughs and creative ideas through the figure of Timur Bawono who has been elected as BitHealth’s Chief Operating Officer who just joined in February 2022. He has experienced the world in his work as a reliable IT Consultant in several leading companies in Indonesia. His contact with the world of Health began in 2009 when the Electronic Claim System he pioneered was successfully used in more than two thousand health service providers such as Hospitals, Clinics, Laboratories, and Doctors’ Practices. He also managed to get the Most Innovative Partner of The Year because he has a big role in the innovation of making use cases for the implementation of chatbots in the Insurance, Health and Bank Industry.
Why does the Health industry currently need the right leader in conveying various ideas that will be carried out in the future? This is because there is a lot of distance, where there is so much demand for digital that there is no clear vision of a solution. As a result, there is a development that is not synergistic with a clear roadmap and definite benchmarks to underlie various plans. While in the Health industry itself, a broad perspective and careful thought is a must as a major requirement. Collaborative synergy with various parties including the government, regulators, organizations and Health tech is also an important reference in making changes that have an impact in the long term, in order to create mutually beneficial positive relationships.
With the election of Timur Bawono, he is trusted to lead operations in making various sustainable solutions to create solutions for the world of Health that can synergize with digital for more effective and efficient performance. He will emphasize the existence of BitHealth to become a digital transformation leader for the world’s Health ecosystem with various solutions and capabilities through various programs that will focus on 3 pillars. These are Digital Information Implementation, Digital Solutions and Experience, as well as Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence and their derivatives in providing digital consulting. steady and focused. Information Implementation. BitHealth also cooperates with HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) and is the first official local partner of HIMSS in Indonesia in implementing international-class standardization.
He also added that BitHealth’s technology solutions can also be tailor-made to improve service efficiency and client operations. In order to be able to better understand, develop and solve problems faced from upstream to downstream by using technology in solving them. BitHealth products themselves can be designed flexibly, easily adapted, integrated and adapted to the unique needs of each client’s problems, so that clients will find it easier to manage and adapt to existing needs.
“Health in Indonesia is no less than what is happening in foreign countries, even domestic health service providers should have many advantages because they know Indonesian culture, character and mindset of Indonesia people and perspective. So that the provision of consultation and system development for service providers can be more precise according to the needs and what is desired.” he added.
Through his experience and various creative ideas, together with BitHealth he aspires to be able to accelerate significant changes for the Indonesian Health industry in the next few years by cooperating with various parties in synergizing and collaborating for a common good, through more structured solutions and more targeted standardization for the rapid establishment of the Indonesian Health Industry in the present and in the future.